How to use Reencle

1. Attiva Reencle con i nostri microbi

Discard your reencle, pour the contents of our microbe packet, add about 1.5l of water, and let the colony establish for about 24 hours

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2. Smaltisci fino a 1 kg di scarto di cibo al giorno

Feed your compost by regularly disposing of food scraps

3. Empty every 3-4 weeks

Check the regularly the maximum level of compost produced. Empty it using the scoop provided and your homemade fertilizer for your garden or houseplants

Reencle processes most foods.

How does Reencle work?

Il meccanismo tecnologico di reencle emula il sistema digestivo umano. Simile a tutti i minuscoli microbi presenti nel tuo intestino che digeriscono ciò che mangi. Il microbo specifico ,brevettato, che trasforma rapidamente il cibo in compost è uno speciale “bacillus” chiamato reenclemicrobe™,

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Human digestive system

Il cibo viene inizialmente masticato e ridotto in poltiglia. I succhi gastrici e la secrezione enzimatica scompongono ulteriormente il cibo meccanicamente e chimicamente per essere poi trasformato in nutrimento o scarto.

Tecnologia Reencle

Food waste is mixed with reencle mixing shovels. Reenclemicrobe™,our bacillus, breaks down and turns food waste into compost.

Properties of Reencle Microbe™, Bacillus

- Endospore generator (the bacillus can survive for long periods of time even in dry and harsh environments)
- Has a great ability to break down organic matter such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins
- Its thermophilic and eosinophilic nature makes the likelihood of contamination by other bacteria very low

Prova di decomposizione dei rifiuti alimentari

Sono stati condotti diversi test su una grande varietà di alimenti. Il risultato? Reencle impiega da 2 a 24 ore per scomporrela maggior parte degli alimenti.

Over 940 complete laps every single day!

Improves aeration effortlessly

Custom triple-rod blade design enables excellent mixing level.

Reduce up to 90% of food

Il primo composter di microorganismi!

Compared to natural composting (blue line). Reencle's test comparison shows that by adding 1 kg of food waste daily to both Reencle and the natural composting container, Reencle is able to more rapidly and continuously decompose food waste into compost. This is despite adding more food, about 1 kg per day. In contrast, food placed in natural compost bins can take up to 2 years to fully decompose.

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Il compost Reencle è stato testato e ha superato i più elevati standard di qualità.

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Porta il compostaggio 
At the next level

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